Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I\’m a revert from India, I converted to Islam three years back after gaining some knowledge about the religion for a period of 6 months. I\’m a student and my age is 21. So, there\’s a guy in my college who is also a Muslim and we both love each other for two years. We don\’t want to commit any zina and want to make this relation Halal, so we have decided to get married in the coming two months. The guy is going yo perform Hajj with his parents this year, InShaAllah. So, we have to do nikah before he goes to hajj. I come from a very conservative hindu family and my family doesn\’t know about my conversion. Please give me some ways to do nikah as I don\’t want any government formalities at this stage, as it can be difficult for me if by any chance my family gets to know. Can we do nikah without having any formalities of the government? Can I do nikkah without getting registration done? Please help me by your answers, as soon as possible. JazakAllah Khair.
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