Financial problems

Question-AnswersCategory: OthersFinancial problems
Seeratazad asked 4 years ago

My father has paternership business in hotel , complex and now a restruant as well bus he has a side business of seeds of its own (no partner) but nothing is working smoothly , we have financial problems , our hotel is not working normally , we don’t understand where and how we are spending money from complex and now partner of restruant is not behaving good our financial condition are very bad but alhumdulillah we are surviving but I want to know why are all these things happening form last 4 years, if we have sources of income how come we are suffering from these stuffs ? Is it a test from Allah or he is upset ? What should we do ?

1 Answers
Syed Hamad answered 4 years ago


You should recite astagfirullah tasbeen daily and you will see how ALLAH make a way for you 🙂

Please don’t worry it could be a test from ALLAH.

Trust him.


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