continuous headaches for 6 years

Question-AnswersCategory: Girls Problemscontinuous headaches for 6 years
Kabir asked 5 years ago

Assalam Alaikum sir 
I have this cousin she is about 19 years old right now and have this continuous problem with her head. she gets these abnormal headaches that cause her to sweat, out of breath and sometimes even faint.  she has been having this problem for 5-6 years now and about this time last year, her father passed away from Cancer shockingly. When we asked other Alims they said it was to do with black magic as her mother also got cancer but she managed to beat it. The headaches went away for the past few months but have come back again and this time even in her sleep. she is really troubled. What should she do right now?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank You. 

1 Answers
Syed Hamad Khalid answered 5 years ago

Walikum Asalam Kabir,

Few Things you need to keep in mind.

1st. Kindly consult a doctor for proper medicine and checkup.

2nd. Ask her to keep reciting sura e bakra last 2 ayat in night time before sleeping.
And try to stay in wuzu always. and recite ayat ul qursi.

That will be enough to protect against evil eye and black magic.

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